Saturday, February 05, 2011

Taking a shine to that name.

The Karmann Eclectric Voltswagen has lived most of it's life without a proper badge. That's right, the fancy logos you've seen online for years were nowhere to be found on the car! But finally last summer, with the help of Bob Powell's Meadow Creature, LLC. and Vashon Image Works, I was able to transform Monk's logo adaptations into gleaming chrome automotive emblems. Just like a 'real' car, you say? Well, not quite. Most automotive emblems these days are cheap pressed plastic, and back in the day they were either chrome-plated pot metal, or somewhat stronger aluminum, but especially with the fragile Karmann Ghia decklid script, few emblems remained intact beyond the car's first life. Well, here's a couple that should be mounted on my grandchildren's mantel, should the Karmann Eclectric EVer meet an unfortunate fate....

Feast your eyes on thick, solid Stainless Steel, computer-cut by an OMAX water jet milling machine.

After polishing with my trusty Dremel tool and hand-bending to match the decklid curvature, I used 3M Emblem Adhesive Tape, another one of their miraculous products. It's like contact cement on release paper. No messy spreading, spraying or trimming required.

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